HB 1601 (the Oregon Beach Bill)


The Legislative Assembly hereby declares it is the public policy of the State of Oregon to forever preserve and maintain the sovereignty of the state heretofore existing over the seashore and ocean beaches of the state from the Columbia River on the North to the Oregon-California line on the South so that the public may have the free and uninterrupted use thereof. – HB 1601 (the Oregon Beach Bill, passed in June 1967)

Over the weekend the family and I packed up the car and headed to the Oregon coast. Having lived in Oregon for almost 10 years, you’d think the excitement of going to the coast (not the shore, that’s for you folks on the right side of the country) would wear off. But it hasn’t. The Oregon coast is a truly magical place; Governor Tom McCall felt it should be protected by a state law which gives everyone free access to every inch of coastline.

The weather last weekend was spectacular (sunny and in the low 60’s), but watching the winter storms roll in is equally impressive. And it takes just one look at the kids running on the beach to remind you how carefree life can be, and why we’re drawn to the water’s edge.

Thank you Oregon for providing us this awesome playground, and for allowing everyone to play in it.

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