Or learn how to use a video editing program. Which is actually pretty impressive.
This video was linked to on a couple music blogs I check out. When I viewed it at 4pm today, it had about 187,000 views. Now, at almost 9pm, it had 197,000.
Why am I blogging about it? Because it always amazes me how someone could come up with this idea, make a video of it, and upload it to YouTube. And I’m sure we’ll see plenty of commercials and even more videos using the same idea. The idea might not even be that unique, but it will spawn.
Like those spots for Milwaukee’s Best, shooting the beer cans out of the cannon at stuff. Granted, that’s about the best use for Milwaukee’s Best that I’ve seen, but you’ve probably started to see all the similarly themed commercials. Like for the new Nike Juice golf balls. The Nike ones, as beautiful as the slow motion footage is, basically takes the idea from Milwaukee’s Best and swaps out the homemade beer cannon for a fancy golf ball cannon.
So I guess it isn’t that amazing. We’ll see what numbers our drummer/piano player is at tomorrow. And I’ll try to count how many blogs (not including this one) I see it on.
Addition: As of 8:45am on Nov. 15: 233,000 views.
Links from blogs that I saw: 3
As of 11:30pm on Nov. 15: 260,000 views.
Still 3 blogs that I saw it on.
Kind of a step down from “I Have a Dream,” but hey, sometimes a dream is created with an idea and some video editing software. The music isn’t incredible, but the idea is obviously getting some airplay (if that’s the term they use on YouTube… TubePlay?). Does that make it a good idea?
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