In Portland, there’s really only one realistic option for getting over the river: taking a bridge. Sure, the bridge photo is just a cheap metaphor to intro this post, but after coffee last Friday, I biked across the Hawthorne Bridge and took a couple photos I thought looked cool, and wanted to use one of them somewhere. Like here.
So… bridges. Lots of exciting stuff going on at Substance, getting us from here to there and keeping us busy Let’s run down the list quickly…
ONE: Getting ready to launch a big project in the next couple weeks. We’re workng out some of the bugs, the client is creating tons of content, and we’re all super-excited. Will be a sweet project when it launches. More on this in the upcoming weeks.
TWO: Making some revisions to the “Oden or Durant” site, getting ready for the NBA Draft on Thursday. Once the draft pick is made, the site will evolve into everything you’ll need to know about one of the newest Trail Blazers. And of course we have to build out both options, not knowing who the pick is going to be. Summary of the project and the results next week. And you can subscribe to the Trail Blazers Twitter feed to be one of the first to hear who they pick.
THREE: Starting a new project with a local ad agency that focuses on one of our interests: sustainability and the environment. Not only a cool project, but it helps in our goal of changing the world.
FOUR: Okay, three is enough for now. Because there’s just too much going on to continue adding more numbers… getting ready for the Substance Open House, moving into programming on another project, talking to potential clients about some really cool ideas… exciting times.
So does this mean it’s a bridge from unexciting times to exciting times? Nope. It’s just part of the overall exciting journey, almost 6 months in.
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