The Leaders Will Lead

Maybe it’s an “end of the year” thing. Maybe it’s because many in the marketing, advertising and interactive industries had challenging years from a business standpoint. Or maybe pontification always happens when the future is uncertain. At any rate, I’ve been seeing article after article on, “Who will Lead: Traditional Agencies or Digital Agencies,” like this one from AdWeek called “‘Great Race’ Between Traditional, Digital Shops.”

If you’re involved in marketing, advertising or interactive, you’ve probably read similar articles. And if you’re not involved in one of those industries, you probably don’t care. And you shouldn’t. Each of these articles is designed to raise the ire or adulation of one industry, pitting it against the others, making one feel superior and positioned for the future instead of being in an industry making antiquated ephemera.

The thing is, it’s not one “type” of agency that’s going to lead. Traditional.. digital… social media… it doesn’t matter. The leaders will lead. The companies and people who are smart, considered, passionate and willing to balance the risk of embarking on new ideas with the responsibility of representing a company’s brand will lead in the ways we communicate and engage.

We won’t lead through marketing, advertising or interactive. We won’t lead through calling ourselves “traditional” or “digital.” We will lead by making a difference.

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